AAI Graz Scholarship Programme (Austria)
The AAI Scholarship Programme for students from developing countries at universities and universities of applied sciences in Styria
Afro-Asiatisches Institut
Tel.: 0316 32 44 34
Email: office@aai-graz.at
Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (Germany)
Georg Forster Research Fellowship
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers
International Climate Protection Fellowship
Tel.: +49 228 8330
Email: info@avh.de
Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg (Austria)
One World Scholarship Programme
Tel.: +43 662/841413-11
Email: office@aai-salzburg.at
Amsterdam Scholarships (Netherlands)
Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships
Amsterdam Merit Scholarships
Amsterdam Talent Scholarship
University of Amsterdam
Tel.: +31 (0)20 525 1400
AUF (France)
Doctoral grants
Internship grants
Master's mobility grants
Postdoctoral grants
Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria)
DOC - Doctoral Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Mag. Eva Gutknecht, Mag. Joanna Kölbel
Tel.: (01) 51 581-1310, 1311
Email: stipref@oeaw.ac.at
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
DART – Doctoral Program in Accounting, Reporting, and Taxation
Email: dart@uni-graz.at
Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (Germany)
The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students
Tel +49 711 227 870
Email: studierende@bw-stipendium.de
and bwsplus@bw-stipendium.de
Bayer (Germany)
Carl Duisberg Scholarship
Kurt Hansen Scholarship
Otto Bayer Scholarship
Tel.: +49 214 3041111
Email: bayer.fellowship@bayer.com
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (Europe)
PhD fellowships
Travel grants
Dr. Anja Petersen
Tel.: +49 6131 275080
Email: secretariat@bifonds.de
Brazilian Government (Brazil)
Brazilian Government's Exchange Programme for Undergraduate Students
Brazilian Government's Exchange Programme for Postgraduate Students
Embassy of Brazil in South Africa
Tel.: 012 366-5293
Email: ccbas.pretoria@itamaraty.gov.br
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Germany)
Germany Scholarship
+4930 18570
Email: information@bmbf.bund.de
Chevening (UK)
Chevening Scholarship for a master’s degree
Chilean Agency for International Cooperation and Development (Chile)
Nelson Mandela Master's Scholarships
Email: becasmandela@minrel.gob.cl
DAAD (Germany)
Research Grants
Research Stays
Graduate School Scholarship Programme
University Winter Courses
Study Scholarships
Postdoctoral Fellowships and Exchange of Academics
DAAD-NRF Joint Scholarship Programme South Africa
Tel.: +49228 8828888
Email: portal@daad.de or
Danish Government (Denmark)
Danish government scholarships for highly qualified non-EU/EEA students
The contact is specific to the higher education of your choice.
Scholarship Data Base Worldwide
European Union
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
Scholarship Data Base European Countries
Contact is specific to the particular Erasmus Mundus Master Course
Evangelisches Studienwerk (Germany)
Scholarship for Doctoral Students
Scholarship for Students
Ilke Würzbach
+49 2304 755215 or +49 2304 755363
Email: i.wuerzbach@evstudienwerk.de
French Embassy (France)
French Embassy and Saint-Gobain Master Scholarship
French Embassy Masters and PhD Scholarship Programme
Email: pretoria.bourses@campusfrance.org
Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany)
Scholarship for International Students
Scholarship for International Doctoral Students
Tel.: +49 228 8830
Email: stipendien@fes.de
Friedrich Naumann Foundation (Germany)
Scholarship for Doctoral Students
Scholarship for International Students
Fritz Thyssen Foundation (Germany)
Tel.: +49 221 277 4960
Email: fts@fritz-thyssen-stiftung.de
Fulbright (USA)
Fulbright Foreign Student Program
Email: fpsa@state.gov
Gerda Henkel Foundation (Germany)
Doctoral Scholarships
Research Scholarships
Special Programme Security, Society and the State
Anna Kuschmann
Tel.: +49211 9365240
Email: kuschmann@gerda-henkel-stiftung.de
German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) (Germany)
Doctoral Scholarship Programme
Tel.: +49541 9633353
Email: stipendienprogramme@dbu.de
Government of Canada (Canada)
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
Venier Canada Graduate Scholarships
Email: postdoctoral.fellows@ubc.ca
Heinrich Böll Foundation (Germany)
PhD scholarship
Student Scholarship
Iris Längert
Tel.: +4930 28534400
Email: studienwerk@boell.de
Hertie School of Governance (Germany)
Future of Europe Scholarship
Hertie School Law Scholarship
New Perspectives Scholarship
Transatlantic Leadership Scholarship
Sigo Riemer
Tel.: +4930 2592114
Email: grad-admissions@hertie-school.org
Hungarian Government (Hungary)
Hungarian Government International Scholarship for South African Students
Email: internationalscholarships@dhet.gov.za
NAWA (Poland)
Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme
Tel.: +48 22-390-35-78
Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany)
Scholarship Program for International Students
Dr. Christina Catherine Krause
Tel.: +49 30 26996-3445
Email: christina.krause@kas.de
Mastercard Foundation (Worldwide)
Secondary Education Scholarships
Undergraduate Study Scholarships
Graduate Study Scholarships
Email: info@mastercardfdn.org
National Research Foundation (NRF) (Netherlands and SA)
NRF Postgraduate Scholarships for full-time studies
NRF-NUFFIC Doctoral Scholarship
Ms Kgaugelo Molepo Professional Officer – Human and Infrastructure
Capacity Development
Tel.: 012 481 4148 or 012 418 4219
Email: kgaugelo.molepo@nrf.ac.za or nelson@nrf.ac.za
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Germany)
International PhD Scholarship
Scholarships for Foreign Students
Tel.: +49 44310223
Email: studienwerk@rosalux.de
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (Commonwealth States)
Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships
Tel.: +4420 7380 6700
The Swiss Embassy (Switzerland)
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists
Therese Steffen Gerber
Tel.: +41 58 462 96 69
UNESCO/JAPAN (Worldwide)
UNESCO Keizo Obuchi fellowships
Email: s.bantchev@unesco.org and l.zas-friz@unesco.org
Universität Hamburg (Germany)
Merit Scholarships for International Students
Daniela Perez y Effinger
Tel.: +4940 428383311
Email: daniela.perezyeffinger@verw.uni-hamburg.de
University of Barcelona (Spain)
IELPO Scholarship Programme LL.M. Programme
The University of Barcelona
Tel.: +34 934 021 100
VLIR-UOS scholarships (Belgium)
ICP Scholarship
Volkswagen (Germany)
'Freigeist' Fellowships Experiment! – In Search of Bold Research Ideas Lichtenberg Endowed Professorships
Dr. Ulrike Bischler, Dr. Anja Fließ, Dr. Harald Barre
Tel.: +49511 8381374
Tel.: +49511 8381237
Tel.: +49511 8381350
Email: bischler@volkswagenstiftung.de
Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Africa Scholarship Programme
Tel. +31 (0) 317 480100