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Political/ Electoral Systems, Political Parties, Parliament, Elections, Political Education, Political Participation, Political Campaigning, Traditional Affairs, Decentralisation/ Devolution, Local Politics.

Social market economy

Economics, Monetary and fiscal policies, Political Economy, State-Owned Enterprises, Social Policies, Social Compact, Transport, Housing, Public Service Delivery, Public Administration.

Rule of law

Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Land Issues, Corruption, Crime & Safety.


Youth, Faith, Gender issues, Human Development, Reconciliation , Migration and Xenophobia, Social Cohesion.

Sustainability & Energy

Environmental Policies, Water issues, Climate Change, Energy (Fossil & Renewable), Urbanisation, Waste, Land use.

International Affairs

South African Foreign Policy, SADC, Regional Integration, Trade, African Affairs, European Affairs, Global Governance, Conflict and Security, International Law.


Freedom of Press, Investigative Journalism, Digital Media, TV and Radio, Data protection, Social Media.


Fourth Industrial Revolution, Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Future of Work.


We are always open to research and provide educated opinions on topics that may not be represented in the other categories.

About Us

The Mid Point is a forum of ideas. It provides a political platform for centrist, humanist, conservative and christian-democrat thinkers. Authors writing in their personal capacity show how a market-orientated economy can achieve human dignity.

Contact Us

The Mid Point
Tel: +27 11 214 2900

Copyright 2020 The Mid Point
